Friday, 25 January 2013

Lesson 3 - Logo Design

In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Understand and be able to explain the meaning of the term logo.
  • Be able to combine text, image and shape to create an effective logo.

What is a logo?

A logo is an instantly recognizable symbol or image used by companies on all their marketing materials, including t-shirts, leaflets, web pages and even in their buildings.


1. Open Publisher and choose a suitable image from clipart.

  • Add text to it.
  • Save as logo1.
2. Improve your logo by:

  • Adding an autoshape
  • Replace your clipart picture with a real picture from
  • Group objects to make one.
  • Save as logo2.
3. Upload both logos to your eportfolio. Add a comment to each answering the following questions:

  • Does the logo clearly represent the charity PEAT? How?
  • Is it memorable?
  • Does it stand out?
  • Will it look good both small and large scale?
  • Will it look good in colour and back and white?
  • Will it make a suitable logo for PEAT? Why?
  • What would you improve if you had more time. 


Finish writing your comments about your logos concentrating on evaluating them.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Lesson 2 - Creating a Front Cover

In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Identify the good and bad parts of a leaflet.
  • Create a front cover using desktop publishing or word processing software.
  • Critically review own work.

Is this a good or bad front cover design for a leaflet?



1. Swap homework with a partner. Using the checklist below decide whether it is a good or bad front cover design for a leaflet.
Have they included:
  • A title
  • A logo
  • A date
  • An issue number
  • A picture
  • A slogan
  • A URL (web address)
2. Create a front cover for PEAT using your homework. Make sure you select suitable images, and a colour scheme.

P.E.A.T. = Protecting Endangered Animals Together


Add a comment to your 'desktop publishing' eportfolio page answering the question 'What makes a good leaflet front cover design? (Keywords: layout, colour scheme, images, audience, purpose)

Friday, 11 January 2013

Lesson 1 - Creating a Corporate Image

Do Now:

1. Create a new 'File Cabinet' page on your eportfolio and name it 'Desktop Publishing'

2. Look at this picture, what is similar about it and what is different? Add your answers to the wall below by double clicking, writing your first name, and adding your answer.

In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Understand and be able to explain what us meant by 'corporate image'.
  • Apply elements of corporate image to produce a suitable front cover for the WWF.


1. Open WWF leaflet Template from (Start > My computer, RMShared> Information Technology > Miss Philbin) and create a front cover leaflet for WWF. When you have finished add this to your eportfolio page.

2. Add a comment to your 'Desktop Publisher' eportfolio page to answer the question 'What does corporate image mean?' (Keywords to use in your answer: logo, slogan, desktop design, font, colour scheme)


Using plain paper, plan the layout of the cover of a leaflet for a charity organisation called PEAT (Protecting Endangered Animals Together).

The charity helps to protect a wide range of endangered animals such as polar bears, elephants, whales, leopards and pandas, to name but a few!

Look at the example leaflet cover below, from the WWF leaflet. Your cover should have the same elements. These include:

  • Title
  • Logo
  • Date and issue number
  • Picture
  • Slogan
  • Website address

You should also write on your plan what colours and pictures you are going to use. The diagram on the left below is a plan that might have been created for the production of the WWF cover on the right: