Friday, 15 February 2013

Lesson 6 - Finishing Touches

Take the ICT Literacy Spelling Test:


In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Check your work against a set criteria
  • Evaluate your leaflet to explain what you have done.


1. Complete your leaflet design.
2. Fill out this evaluation form. You need to make a copy of it to be able to write. It will be marked for literacy.
3. Add your finished PEAT leaflet and your evaluation to your eportfolio for marking to unlock the desktop publisher badge.


Make sure your have completed your evaluation and you have attached all your work to your eportfolio for marking.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Lesson 5 - Adding Suitable Text

In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Understand the writing style needed for the task
  • Select appropriate facts and add text to pages 2, 3 and 4 of your leaflet.

You need to consider what text is suitable to add to your leaflet. You will need to include facts that will interest adults and inform them of the endangered animal's situation. You should also persuade them to donate to the charity.



1. Find 5 facts about endangered animals from these websites:

2. Add your text to your leaflet pages.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Lesson 4 - Adding Pages and Selecting Images

In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Know the difference between Bitmap and Vector images
  • Be able to choose and add suitable images to our leaflet design.


1. Look at these leafet designs for WWF. What design elements could you use on your leaflet?

2. Watch Selecting Suitable Images and Open Publisher, and then open your 'PEAT' leaflet.
3. Add your logo to the leaflet.
4. Using the internet, find three good quality images for your leaflet. You can use or
5. Remember the purpose of your leaflet is to raise awareness for endangered animals.

Publisher Tutorials 

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