Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Hour of Code Lesson 2 - Seasons Greetings Card

In today's lesson we are:

  • taking an assessment on Logic & Sequencing
  • completing the hour of code activity.


1. Log into Scratch by clicking on the link below:

2. Watch the tutorials and complete the Interactive Holiday Card tutorial.

3. For inspiration check out these completed projects!

This is our last lesson together. It has been lots of fun being your computing & ICT teacher this term. I hope you continue to have fun coding in the new year. All the best!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Hour of Code Lesson 1 - Seasons Greetings Card

The best animated cards will be shown at the 
Christmas Concert and maybe even in assembly!

In today's lesson we are:

  • taking part in Computing Week - Hour of Code
  • by using Scratch to create an animated card


1. Click here to begin:

2. First delete the sprite:

3. Next add some new sprites:

4. Bring your sprites to life with animations:

Next Lesson:

We shall continue our animated cards to include a background and more!

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Lesson 4 - Using Vairables

What is a variable?

In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Recap what a variable is
  • Be able to use variables instead of values to create more interesting shapes and spirals.


1. Log into scratch using the link below:

2. Create some shapes and then iterate them to make spirals.

3. Replace your values with variables!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Lesson 3 - Lopping Instructions

Click on me to create some spirals!

In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Repeat instructions using loops like 'Repeat __ times' and 'Forever'
  • Be able to create spirals using loops.


1. Log in and open Scratch by clicking on the icon below:

2. Log in
3. Draw any shape using the pen and movement blocks.

Challenge: How could you repeat the same shape over and over without having to keep on clicking the green flag?

4. Create spirals of your shapes using the repeat blocks like this:

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Lesson 2 - Logic & Sequencing

Click on the picture, can you complete the turtle maze using only instructions?

In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Know how to change colours and line thickness in Scratch.
  • Be able to draw more interesting shapes using these commands.


1. Click on the button to open Scratch and log in:

2. Draw a square using scratch commands.
3. Change the line colour and thickness.
4. Challenge: Can you draw the following shapes too?

4. Add your project to your Class Studio either:

7 Bricklin

7 Jobs

Lesson 1 - How does a computer think?

What does a computer programmer look like?


  • Sequence
  • Instructions
  • Computer Science
  • Programming

Meet Alvin

Alvin needs to get from one end of the desk maze to the other using one instruction at a time. Together let's see if we can help him out.

In today's lesson we are learning to:

  • Know that computers follow a sequence of instructions.
  • Understand that you can program a computer to follow a sequence of instructions using code.
  • Be able to use Scratch programming language to create shapes using a sequence of instructions.


1. Click on the picture of the cat below to get started:
2. Click on 'Create' at the top.
3. Can you use the following blocks to draw a square?

Extension: How can you use the repeat block to loop some instructions? 

5. Can you change the values to make different shapes like:
6. Make a copy of this Scratch Workbook by clicking on File>Make a copy.
7. Using the 'print screen' button on your keyboard take a picture of your work today in Scratch and paste it onto slide 2. Answer the questions.


What other pen blocks can you add to your sequence?
  • How can you clear the stage when you start the sequence?
  • Can you change the pen colour?
  • Can you change the size of the pen?


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

End of Unit Assessment

If all these tasks are completed you will unlock the safe online badge!

In today's lesson:

We are going to test our knowledge of e-safety by:
  • taking a quiz
  • making sure we have completed all our classwork
  • making sure we have attached all class work to our eportfolio.


    1. Click on your class name below to take the quiz:

    2. Once you have finished and submitted your quiz, go to your eportfolio and check that you have all your work linked to your E-Safety page. This includes:
    • E-Safety Poster
    • Communicating Safely Online Worksheet
    • Netiquette Worksheet

    3. Make sure you have written about what you have learned in this unit on the E-Safety page of your eportfolio.

    4. Click on the Cat below to head over to Scratch. See if you can remember how to make a square.

    Tuesday, 22 October 2013

    Lesson 4 - What can go wrong and how to fix it

    In today's lesson:

    We are going to create a poster to show other students at Robert Clack how to stay safe online using the five rules you created in the last lesson.


    Create a new presentation.
    Using one slide of your presentation create your poster.


    At the end of the lesson ask yourself:

    • Have you you included 5 rules?
    • Have you laid out your design in a clear way?
    • Have you used images?
    • Have you used easy to read fonts?
    • Have you shared your poster with your teacher? (Miss Philbin)
    • Have you attached all your work from this unit to your eportfolio?

    Tuesday, 8 October 2013

    Lesson 3 - What can go wrong and how to report it

    In today's lesson:

    We are learning to understand what can go wrong if we do not use the internet safely, and we are going to plan a poster to remind people how to stay safe.


    1. In your groups,
    2. Read your scenario
    3. List what could go wrong on the paper provided
    4. List ways that these problems could be avoided on the paper provided
    5. Together in your group, create 5 rules that people should follow when using the internet.
    6. Log into Robert Clack Apps and Create a Document, write your rules onto the document and share it within your group.

    Tuesday, 1 October 2013

    Lesson 2 - Communicating Safely Online

    Do Now Task:

    1. Log into a computer
    2. Open 'Oulook'
    3. Send an email to me by typing cphilbin into the 'to' field.

    In today's lesson you will:

    • Know how to send and reply to an email.
    • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of online communication.
    • Be able to advise a friend on how to use the internet in a responsible way. 
    Faster, better and easier communication is one of the great advantages of computers and the internet. Nowadays there are many different ways of contacting and communicating with people all over the world. This is good, but what are the risks?

    In pairs, list all the activities, websites, and programs that explain your life online.


    1. Log into Robert Clack Apps
    2. Make a copy of the worksheet 'Communicating Safely Online' - Click on file and make a copy
    3. Complete the worksheet.
    4. Remember to Share it with your teacher (Miss C Philbin)
    5. And then attach it to your e-portfolio.


    1. Log into Robert Clack Apps
    2. Create a new document by clicking Create document.
    3. Write a pretend diary entry for the boy we saw in the film. 
    4. It should start: The cyber bullying in my school could have been avoided if my school had taught us tips on how to communicate online properly. Tips such as…
    5. It should include netiquette tips that he thinks could have made a difference if he and his year group had been taught them in school. 

    Tuesday, 24 September 2013

    Lesson 1 - Cyberbullying & Netiquette

    In today's lesson:

    We are learning what the term cyber bullying means and to understand ways to protect ourselves against cyber bullying.

    ‘netiquette’ is a set of agreements about how to behave in online communication.


    1. Open Google Chrome 
    2. Log into Robert Clack Apps
    3. Make a copy of the Netiquette worksheet by clicking File and Make a Copy.
    4. Add your worksheet to your eportfolio.

      Extension Task:

      1. Log into Robert Clack Apps
      2. Create a new document by clicking Create document.
      3. Write a pretend diary entry for the boy we saw in the film. 
      4. It should start: The cyber bullying in my school could have been avoided if my school had taught us tips on how to communicate online properly. Tips such as…
      5. It should include netiquette tips that he thinks could have made a difference if he and his year group had been taught them in school. 

      Tuesday, 17 September 2013

      Creating an ePortfolio

      In today's lesson we are learning: 

      • What an ePortfolio is, 
      • How we are going to use one in ICT lessons
      • and how to setup your ePortfolio for the first time.


      1. First you will need to open Google Chrome by clicking on Start, All Programs, and Google Chrome.
      2. Next go to www.ictwithmissp.co.uk
      3. Click on the Eportfolio button.
      4. or if you are already in google chrome click here.
      5. You need to log in to Robert Clack Apps using the password given to you by your teacher.
      6. Next watch these videos to help you setup your ICT ePortfolio correctly.

      Video 1

      Video 2


      Log into your ePortfolio outside of class, either at home or at lunchtime in ICT Club and add an element to it:
      • An image
      • Some text
      • A link
      Remember you will need to load Google Chrome first, so you may need to install this onto your computer at home.

      Tuesday, 10 September 2013

      Welcome to computing & ICT at Robert Clack

      Class rules:

      • We are silent when the teacher is speaking.
      • We are polite, pleasant and respect everyone.
      • We save our food and drink for meal times.
      • We arrive on time to our lesson.
      • We come into the classroom quietly, log on and start any tasks displayed on the screen or board.
      • We only play games at home, not in ICT lessons.



      During our lesson today you will have:

      • logged in to the school network for the first time and changed your password.

      Homework due next lesson:

      Take this survey.

      Friday, 3 May 2013

      Revision for End of Year Exam

      In today's lesson:

      • We are learning to identify topics for revision
      • collaborate with others to produce a revision booklet.


      1. We will recap the assessment you took last lesson.
      2. Get into groups of 3 or 4:

      • Make a list of topics that we have studied over this past year in one google presentation and share it with the rest of the group.
      • Divide the topics between members of the group.
      • Each member of the group is responsible for creating slides giving information about that topic to help the rest of the group revise.
      • Write a list of questions to test yourself on these topics.


      Use the booklet you have made in Google Docs to revise for your end of year exam.

      Friday, 26 April 2013

      End of Unit Assessment

      In today's lesson:

      • You will take an end of unit assessment
      • Before spending some time organising your eportfolio and preparing revision for your end of year test.


      1. Log into Robert Clack Apps by clicking here
      2. Take your spreadsheet unit assessment by clicking here.
      3. Ensure all your spreadsheet work is attached to your eportfolio spreadsheet unit page. 
      4. Check to see if you have any badges to add to your eportfolio by looking in the 'shared with you' folder in Google Drive.


      In a few weeks time you will be sitting an end of year 7 exam in all your subjects including ICT.

      1. Begin to make a list of topics that we have covered in ICT this year in a Google document.
      2. Write down any questions you have, or any areas that you are not sure about for each topic.
      3. Plan when you are going to find out the answers to those questions and revise for your exam.

      Friday, 22 March 2013

      Lesson 4 and 5 - Developing a model further and creating graphs

      Charts (called Graphs in Maths lessons) are used to present information - numbers or data - in a way that is easier to read. There are different types of charts, the most common are pie charts, bar charts and line charts. We can use different types of charts to show us different things.

      In today's lesson we are learning:

      • to understand what happens if we change the values of variables
      • to understand why different charts can be useful for different things
      • be able to create a chart to represent the data in your spreadsheet model.


      1. Complete your shop model to include both a 'costs' table and a 'revenue' table. 
      2. Calculate the profit you would make on selling your products.
      3. Identify variables and rules in your model using labels.
      4. Use the chart wizard to make a chart that shows you what revenue each product is making.
      5. Make a copy of this Spreadsheet Charts document and answer the questions.


      Consider how many visitors you may get to your shop. Is it realistic to expect millions of visitors in one month? Imagine for example I was selling my sweets to Year 7 only. There are approximately 300 students in year 7. I should adapt my spreadsheet model to include this information. Do I have enough stock for them? Will they buy from me every day?

      Friday, 15 March 2013

      Lesson 3 - Developing a Model

      In today's lesson we are learning to:

      • Identify variables and rules
      • Make adjustments to a spreadsheet model
      • Add correct formula to a spreadsheet model


      1. You are starting you own shop in which you can sell any range of stock. For example you might want to run a sweet shop, or a shoe shop.

      2. Once you have chosen your stock, using google search shopping find some stock and the cost price for each item. You need at least 6 items. For example, Haribo, Skittles, Mars Bars, etc.

      3. Using Robert Clack Apps, Create a spreadsheet model for your shop, by clicking Create and Spreadsheet.

      4. You will need to include a column for:

      • Products
      • Price per item
      • Number of items
      • Total Revenue

      5. Calculate the total revenue using a formula.


      Underneath your completed model add a table with these column headings:

      • Costs
      • Cost per item
      • Number of items
      • Total Costs
      Calculate the total costs using a formula. Then calculate your profit using a formula. Remember Profit = Costs - Revenue

      Friday, 8 March 2013

      Lesson 2 - Costs and Profit

      A business can use a spreadsheet model to work out its costs and profit. 
      • Costs are what a business has to pay out for stock, wages, and rent for example.
      • Profit is the money the company makes from sales after the costs have been covered.

      In today's lesson we are learning to:

      • Understand how businesses use models to predict what might happen
      • Be able to add formulae to a spreadsheet to work out costs and profit.


      1. Make a copy of Miss Philbin's Costs and Profit and calculate the costs using a formula.
      2. Next, we need to calculate the profit. 
      3. Create a new Google Doc, and write a definition for the following terms:
      • spreadsheet model
      • revenue
      • variable
      • costs
      • profit


      What is VAT? Write a definition and then explain what Miss Philbin will need to pay VAT on in her shop?

      Friday, 1 March 2013

      Lesson 1 - The Basics of Formulae

      Make a copy of the 'Guess the secret message' worksheet and follow the instructions.

      In today's lesson we are learning:

      • to recognise and use cell references
      • to create simple working formulas.


      1. Log into Robert Clack Apps
      2. Make a copy of Miss Philbin's Shop.
      3. Using Fill Colour, Font Colour and Boarders, make the spreadsheet model look more attractive.
      4. Enter a formula to calculate revenue for all the products in the model.
      5. Enter a formula to calculate the total revenue.
      6. Extra Challenge: Can you think of a function that would work out the Maximum and the Minimum revenue figures?

      Extension Task:

      Answer these questions about Miss Philbin's Shop Revenue Model


      Look at the table in this picture and answer the questions:

      Friday, 15 February 2013

      Lesson 6 - Finishing Touches

      Take the ICT Literacy Spelling Test:


      In today's lesson we are learning to:

      • Check your work against a set criteria
      • Evaluate your leaflet to explain what you have done.


      1. Complete your leaflet design.
      2. Fill out this evaluation form. You need to make a copy of it to be able to write. It will be marked for literacy.
      3. Add your finished PEAT leaflet and your evaluation to your eportfolio for marking to unlock the desktop publisher badge.


      Make sure your have completed your evaluation and you have attached all your work to your eportfolio for marking.

      Friday, 8 February 2013

      Lesson 5 - Adding Suitable Text

      In today's lesson we are learning to:

      • Understand the writing style needed for the task
      • Select appropriate facts and add text to pages 2, 3 and 4 of your leaflet.

      You need to consider what text is suitable to add to your leaflet. You will need to include facts that will interest adults and inform them of the endangered animal's situation. You should also persuade them to donate to the charity.



      1. Find 5 facts about endangered animals from these websites:

      2. Add your text to your leaflet pages.

      Friday, 1 February 2013

      Lesson 4 - Adding Pages and Selecting Images

      In today's lesson we are learning to:

      • Know the difference between Bitmap and Vector images
      • Be able to choose and add suitable images to our leaflet design.


      1. Look at these leafet designs for WWF. What design elements could you use on your leaflet?

      2. Watch Selecting Suitable Images and Open Publisher, and then open your 'PEAT' leaflet.
      3. Add your logo to the leaflet.
      4. Using the internet, find three good quality images for your leaflet. You can use Openclipart.org or Search.creativecommons.org
      5. Remember the purpose of your leaflet is to raise awareness for endangered animals.

      Publisher Tutorials 

      (All curtosy of www.teach-ict.com)

      Friday, 25 January 2013

      Lesson 3 - Logo Design

      In today's lesson we are learning to:

      • Understand and be able to explain the meaning of the term logo.
      • Be able to combine text, image and shape to create an effective logo.

      What is a logo?

      A logo is an instantly recognizable symbol or image used by companies on all their marketing materials, including t-shirts, leaflets, web pages and even in their buildings.


      1. Open Publisher and choose a suitable image from clipart.

      • Add text to it.
      • Save as logo1.
      2. Improve your logo by:

      • Adding an autoshape
      • Replace your clipart picture with a real picture from search.creativecommons.org
      • Group objects to make one.
      • Save as logo2.
      3. Upload both logos to your eportfolio. Add a comment to each answering the following questions:

      • Does the logo clearly represent the charity PEAT? How?
      • Is it memorable?
      • Does it stand out?
      • Will it look good both small and large scale?
      • Will it look good in colour and back and white?
      • Will it make a suitable logo for PEAT? Why?
      • What would you improve if you had more time. 


      Finish writing your comments about your logos concentrating on evaluating them.

      Friday, 18 January 2013

      Lesson 2 - Creating a Front Cover

      In today's lesson we are learning to:

      • Identify the good and bad parts of a leaflet.
      • Create a front cover using desktop publishing or word processing software.
      • Critically review own work.

      Is this a good or bad front cover design for a leaflet?



      1. Swap homework with a partner. Using the checklist below decide whether it is a good or bad front cover design for a leaflet.
      Have they included:
      • A title
      • A logo
      • A date
      • An issue number
      • A picture
      • A slogan
      • A URL (web address)
      2. Create a front cover for PEAT using your homework. Make sure you select suitable images, and a colour scheme.

      P.E.A.T. = Protecting Endangered Animals Together


      Add a comment to your 'desktop publishing' eportfolio page answering the question 'What makes a good leaflet front cover design? (Keywords: layout, colour scheme, images, audience, purpose)

      Friday, 11 January 2013

      Lesson 1 - Creating a Corporate Image

      Do Now:

      1. Create a new 'File Cabinet' page on your eportfolio and name it 'Desktop Publishing'

      2. Look at this picture, what is similar about it and what is different? Add your answers to the wall below by double clicking, writing your first name, and adding your answer.

      In today's lesson we are learning to:

      • Understand and be able to explain what us meant by 'corporate image'.
      • Apply elements of corporate image to produce a suitable front cover for the WWF.


      1. Open WWF leaflet Template from (Start > My computer, RMShared> Information Technology > Miss Philbin) and create a front cover leaflet for WWF. When you have finished add this to your eportfolio page.

      2. Add a comment to your 'Desktop Publisher' eportfolio page to answer the question 'What does corporate image mean?' (Keywords to use in your answer: logo, slogan, desktop design, font, colour scheme)


      Using plain paper, plan the layout of the cover of a leaflet for a charity organisation called PEAT (Protecting Endangered Animals Together).

      The charity helps to protect a wide range of endangered animals such as polar bears, elephants, whales, leopards and pandas, to name but a few!

      Look at the example leaflet cover below, from the WWF leaflet. Your cover should have the same elements. These include:

      • Title
      • Logo
      • Date and issue number
      • Picture
      • Slogan
      • Website address

      You should also write on your plan what colours and pictures you are going to use. The diagram on the left below is a plan that might have been created for the production of the WWF cover on the right: